Presented in a premium gift box, this beautiful Mother’s Day everlasting artificial bouquet of artificial faux roses is a lovely way to show someone you care. Our everlasting roses come scented with a lovely floral fragrance, you will never know they’re not real with there real look and scent. Make it yours with a personalised message which can be tied to the box with a complimentary gift tag. Our everlasting artificial faux roses are so amazingly realistic, you will never know they’re not the real deal. They have an ultra-soft feel, they’re waterproof and resistant to fading. Our everlasting faux rose petals can be restored even after being squeezed. All our everlasting faux roses are handcrafted with premium, eco-friendly materials, and are free from chemicals, whilst lasting forever! Give the gift of a lasting smile with Velvet Rose.
- Premium quality craftsmanship using hand-selected, handcrafted roses.
- Our everlasting roses come scented with a lovely floral fragrance.
- High-quality crafted gift box
- All gift boxes come with premium branded ribbon.
- Flowers are created and preserved with eco-friendly preservatives, without unwanted chemicals and irritants as part of our sustainability guarantee.
- Part of the Mother’s Day Flowers Collection Rose Gift Box Collection
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