Presented in a premium gift box, this beautiful everlasting artificial bouquet of artificial faux roses is a lovely way to show someone you care. Our everlasting roses come scented with a lovely floral fragrance, you will never know they’re not real with there real look and scent. Customise this gift with your choice of gift box colour, size and everlasting rose colour. Make it yours with a personalised message which can be tied to the box with a complimentary gift tag. Our everlasting artificial faux roses are so amazingly realistic, you will never know they’re not the real deal. They have an ultra-soft feel, they’re waterproof and resistant to fading. Our everlasting faux rose petals can be restored even after being squeezed. All our everlasting faux roses are handcrafted with premium, eco-friendly materials, and are free from chemicals, whilst lasting forever! Give the gift of a lasting smile with Velvet Rose.
- Premium quality craftsmanship using hand-selected, handcrafted roses.
- Our everlasting roses come scented with a lovely floral fragrance.
- High-quality crafted gift box
- All gift boxes come with a gift tag to write a message and feature a premium branded ribbon.
- Flowers are created and preserved with eco-friendly preservatives, without unwanted chemicals and irritants as part of our sustainability guarantee.
- Part of the Everlasting Artificial Rose Gift Box Collection
Louise –
These flowers look so luxurious.
Anonymous –
Aimee Bateson –
Janine B –
I recently redecorated my bedroom and updated my accessories. The gorgeous Artificial Sunflower Yellow Roses Box that I recently bought for myself looks fabulous on my dressing table.
Melanie H –
I love having accessories that friends and family notice. As soon as the fabulous yellow roses bouquet arrived (in quick time) I couldn’t wait to show if off by displaying it in my home office. Everyone on Zoom calls asks me where I got it.
Owen D –
Ordered the medium Artificial Sunflower Yellow Roses Box for my wife, and it arrived promptly. Much attention to detail has clearly been given to a high quality product. Keep up the good work!
Penny M –
Yellow is now officially the most popular colour for stylish interiors, according to my mum. She loved the large Artificial Sunflower Yellow Roses Box that my husband and I bought my trendy parents as a housewarming present.
Mark F –
I recently ordered a pair of yellow rose gift boxes as presents for my grown-up twin daughters. Both young ladies agree that their old man has good taste!
Bartholomew Q –
Simply couldn’t decide which size to buy for my sister as an engagement gift, so ended buying all three!
Lisa S –
As yellow roses are synonymous with friendship, this stunning artificial bouquet was the perfect gift for a very close friend. We both adore the realistic look of the roses, and the designer style of the grey suede box that they are displayed in.
Sophie T –
To make sure my present stood out from the rest of my very large family’s, I ordered the Artificial Sunflower Yellow Roses Box for my mother’s recent birthday. I am so glad that I did! The bouquet is magnificent in colour and realism.